Read part 1
There’s somebody out there who needs some money to buy something that can take their career forward. i.e. a laptop, a weaving machine, running shoes, a basketball, a drawing book, a digital camera, a mechanic tool box, free Wi-Fi, etc.
There’s also somebody who needs a little bit of help to get a promotion at work, to be relocated to a favorable workplace, to be helped out of a bad situation, advise on how they can go through challenges, just showing up with them at some meeting, a recommendation, etc.
I dare you to help them. Pull out your wallet and give them that little money they need. Make that recommendation. Give them that winning advice. etc.
Effective communication is the foundation every relationship must build upon. Whether it is between a boss and an employee or a wife and husband or a teacher and a student or a leader and a citizen or a parent and their kid or a boyfriend and their babe, etc.
If you don't effectively send the message you want the other person to receive, you'll still send it but they won't understand it. It's a waste of time. Therefore, you must do everything right to be an effective communicator. i.e. timing, clarity, preparation, and follow-up.
Keep in mind that communication is not just about knowing how to talk or write or sign, it is an art of seeking to be understood with you having to understand first.
So far iPhone leads among the phones that are always updated. Well, many other things are always updated too. i.e. technology. From 0 G to 1 G to 2 G to 3G to 4 G to 5G now.
I dare you to do the same. I dare you to update your life. Update your skills, talent, connections, attitudes, behavior, knowledge, goals, friends, etc. Before the beginning of a new day, week, month, and year is the best time to update your life.
I dare you to begin now.
Things cannot happen in your life if they don't first exist in your mind. Your mind is the command center. Nothing gets done before your mind gives an order.
Nothing stops until your mind stops it. Nothing starts until your mind starts it. Nothing feels good or bad until your mind confirms it.
If you ever look into your life and find something missing, just remember that it's because that thing does not exist in your mind.
Therefore, the best way to make something happen in your life is to first create it in your mind.
I guess you know how much your mind needs to be fed as much as your body does. I dare you to buy at least one book every year and to read it then share it.
The categories should fall under 'self-help' 'motivation' etc. I didn't say to borrow a book or pick up the one you already have but never read. Rather I dare you to 'buy at least 1 book' and to read it then share it(give it to someone else after reading it).
The emotion of love is not subject to the rule of 'loving one person. A person can decide to choose just one 1person but it doesn't mean that it's impossible for them to love 2 more or 5 more or 100 more.
Loving one person, therefore, is not a natural condition but a personal decision that is highly influenced by survival instincts, supported by ongoing circumstances, and highly dictated by environmental conditions.
That's why people never stop flirting even when they are married. Flirting simply means that 'Hey I can do it! with you!'. That's why couples make vows to each other.
Those vows are like little invisible chains.
'I know you can but don't do it and if you do it's over for us'.
People, including yourself, like to be given things. Gifts! I dare you to give out at least 1 gift every month. Remember a gift can be anything, anything at all. Big or small.
Expensive or cheap. Material or immaterial. But I'm not saying you give out gifts to your small circle of friends.
I dare you to give out gifts to as many people as you can including random strangers.
Joining Yewe Yewe Community is a choice you won't regret. You get a chance to be with high performers, intelligent people, talented people from all around the world.
More importantly, you get the opportunity to network, make relationships, partnerships and create or gain access to opportunities from our international members.
Editorial/ Yewe Yewe
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