Human beings live on through others, through those they live behind. We are brought to life (pregnancy) through birth by people (parents) who were here before us. One day, out of joy or choice or mistake your mother and father engaged in the reproductive activity (sex) resulting in an embryo. This embryo became your first comprehensible form of life. Nine months later(less or more), you were born.
As cliche as the above paragraph sounds, people tend to believe that’s all there’s about reproduction. We think that children begin the day a woman announces her pregnancy. Hence, most (men and women) don’t bother to prepare for their unborn.
Preparing For Your Unborn
In any endeavor, whether of economics, socialization, politics, military, or trade lack of preparation results in failure by default. You can’t aimlessly wake up in the morning, go to the market and decide what you do after arrival.
In French, they’d call you ‘le idiot’. In Swahili, they’d call you ‘mjinga’. In Hindu, they’d call you ‘मूर्ख’. In Chinese mandalin, they’d call you ‘笨蛋’. In Spanish, they’d call you ‘idiota’. In Zulu, they’d call you ‘Isilima’.
Whatever the language, you’d be an idiot — for lack of purpose (preparation).
The same is true with preparing for your unborn.
More to follow…