Every year top global tech companies upgrade their products or services. Why? It can’t be solely for financial motifs.
They make upgrades to meet the ever-changing tastes and preferences of customers. More importantly, to keep up with the ever-changing world whether in the financial sense, political, environmental, or social.
For the exact same reasons; an ever-changing world, ever-changing tastes, and preferences, I urge you to upgrade yourself. Do it fast and do it often.
Upgrade, Why?
Why should a person worry about upgrading their life? Well, because their life depends on what goes on around them.
Therefore, if what happens around you is more advanced than your capabilities and power to handle and deal with it then you must upgrade to catch up and fit in.
On this note, upgrading is first about survival. Then comes thriving after it.
Upgrading is normally used for gadgets, devices, and machines. Referring to improving them to their newest versions in which their functional capacities are enhanced and made efficient.
You need efficiency too.
"Change traps us in a game of transformation, the only way to win is to start playing and never stop."- Gicaniro I
Upgrade, How?
'Upgrade' is an action verb: to upgrade. Meaning that you find something at its current stage and state then you take it to the next improved level, stage, and state.
How you do it depends on what needs upgrading. The intrinsic nature of a thing dictates what about it needs improvement and how.
Upgrade, When?
Timing always comes down to one important factor. Need. Whether the need is caused by urgency, desire, opportunity, challenges, or schedule, it still remains the sole determinant of the time things are done.
Therefore, upgrade as need for it arrives.
Another good time to upgrade is when change is knocking on your door, or the gates of your city, or ringing the bells of your country, continent, or globe.
'Change is better before. Bitter after.'
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