Wade Marketing
Sales and Marketing
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Independent Partnership Program
We provide you with expert guidance, materials, and skills to master the job application and interview process so you can acquire multiple full-time remote positions in the digital marketing space while we run and take care of all the digital marketing requirements and responsibilities for each new job you acquire.
This idea of stacking remote full-time digital marketing jobs came about a little over a year ago.
As media buyers ourselves, we were sick and tired of working full-time jobs handling 15-25 client accounts at one time, with workload and client management always increasing, yet still getting the same abysmal salary.
Then, thanks to the influx of thousands of untrustworthy and underperforming marketing “agencies” tons of businesses started to move digital marketing roles in-house. These businesses hire 1 media buyer to run all the ad campaigns etc for the business itself. But here’s the great part: We could now make the same amount of money doing the digital marketing for 1 business as we were for 15-25 different businesses(or clients).
That’s where job stacking came in. This opportunity gave us the ability to stack these full-time digital marketing gigs while outsourcing our digital responsibilities and continuing to stack jobs and be the face of each job.
What’s In It For You
Instead of going about job stacking on your own…
Which will most likely lead you to apply for the wrong job roles, hardly ever hearing back from companies regarding your job applications, and if you’re even lucky enough to land 1 or 2 jobs, having to rely on risky, inexperienced freelancers from Fiverr to do the work for you.
Ultimately, this will result in you giving up after only a couple frustrating short weeks.
Luckily, that’s where we come in!
By becoming and independent parter with WM, we take all the guess work out of job stacking and guarantee you are successful right from the beginning.
Not only will we give you all the resources, tools, and trainings necessary to help you stack multiple remote full-time digital marketing jobs the exact right way, but you are assured to keep your new hard earned jobs for the long-term because you will have the choice to outsource the digital marketing responsibilities of your new jobs to our highly experienced and vetted media buyers.
Final Notes
This is a partnership opportunity. Please submit your resume and application. If you qualify, we will reach out to you via LinkedIn to send over more information on how to get started.
Earnings Potential
Some of our partners have 2-3 jobs pulling in around 8K / month while our more ambitious partners have anywhere from 4 – 8 jobs pulling in anywhere from 12K – 32K / month.
What you put into the partnership is what you get out of it. How many jobs you would like to try and stack or how much you think you can handle is completely up to you.
We know this is a unique premise and opportunity. If you don’t quite fully understand everything about the program, no worries, we will answer any and all questions or concerns and make sure you 100% understand what exactly a partnership with us entails.
Absolutely No Fees or Payments Are Required To Become An Independent Partner.
To apply for this job please visit www.wmwademarketing.co.