In part 1, we arrived at an interesting conclusion, that personal development is the beginning of wealth creation. You want to be rich, enrich your mind and your character first. How do you do that? By learning from successful people, from stories of victory and failure. Reading personal development books, articles i.e. ‘think and grow rich-Napoleon Hill’ ‘the strangest secret- Earl Nightingale’ ‘11 Rules Against Defeat-Gicaniro I’ etc. Above all else, you take action on your ideas. Failure after failure until you make it.
Before we go further into theory, I think you need some inspiration from Africans who became extremely rich within the borders of the motherland. I’m going to tell you a thousand words using pictures. Pictures of Africa’s top self-made Billionaires. Just look at them, and see yourself in them. Imagine each billionaire at the start of the wealth race unsure if they would make it to the finishing line. Now, if you look in their eyes close enough, you’ll realize that they are talking to you, trying to whisper something to you, that ‘YES YOU CAN BE RICH IN AFRICA TOO‘.
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Did you see yourself becoming extremely wealthy like them? In Africa?
And hey ! I need you to look back in your town or city, remember the many people who make the millionaire list at least in your country’s currency? Rich people are all around you, and they are Africans. So please stop pretending like becoming rich in Africa is impossible, like you don’t know no body in Africa who is rich and is African.
Allow me to highlight 5 important things you need to become rich in Africa;
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Editorial/ Yewe Yewe
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