Dear reader,
I’m your Life Coach.
In chapter one of The Independent Citizen (2019), the author says something remarkable, that ‘life is like an exhibition where all 7 billion people in the world represent 7 billion stands and each stand is expected by God, Allah or Nature to exhibit something unique.‘ The author is simply implying that all people in the world are at the service of others but as a condition of functionality they must all have something unique they serve others with.
Our unique abilities and talents are meant to fulfill each other’s unique desires, needs and wishes. This makes success the simplest thing in the world, since all you have to do is use your unique abilities or talent to give others what they need and in return they’ll give you what you need as well. It is barter trade, it has been so from day one of life; giving and receiving.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not being naïve here. I know that there’s stiff competition out here. I know. I know. But I also know something you might not be aware of. Do you want me tell you? Okay, I’ll. Competition exists because many people are doing the same exact thing the same exact way at the same exact time in the same exact situation. That’s why you compete. But guess what? You don’t have to.
Competition is caused by that good-enough performance level that ordinary people cannot go beyond and thus they resort to pushing each other outside the game and pulling each other away from a trophy they believe is scarce. To tell you the truth , the only place scarcity exists is in the mind of someone who cannot think beyond what they already know.
Competing is so challenging and exhausting. It is time wasting, depletes energy and resources, creates unnecessary tension, haters and enemies, robs you of special moments of joy and fulfillment. To make it worse it doesn’t even generate that much profit or benefit in return. For this reason, I plead with you, stop it. Do yourself a favor and quit competing. I know what you thinking, ‘so what I’m going to do? others won’t stop! I’ll fail!’ No you won’t. This is what you are going to do;
#1 Be unique. And believe me that is what you are, unique. Look deep into yourself and bring out the exceptional things you were born with. The things only you has, the things only you can do, the things only you can understand, the things only you can write, the things only you can sing, the things only you can paint, the things only you can explain, the things only you can invent, the things only you can speak, the things only you can share, the things only you can give, the things only you can manifest, the things only you can build, the things only you can produce or package or distribute or market or sell. Do this and you’ll never be worried about competition. As a matter of fact people who perform at this high level become the standard ordinary people compete to achieve.
#2 Do it more, if you do it best. I know you are multi talented. Good. Good. But if you really want to be exceptional, to be the only one in your lane, you must stop everything else and concentrate all your energy, abilities and resources on that one thing you do best. Do you know why you do it best, it is because you are naturally gifted with it. In soccer there are 11 players but each player has a specific position they stand on and they better be good at it. Talking about soccer, let me remind you of Ronaldinho (a legend), he was so good at dribbling. That is all he did when the team was practicing or when the team was playing in the league. Here is the good news, the more he focused and did what he could best, all other things a player may wish for came to him easily, like scoring goals and winning best player trophies. The same is true with you, focus on what you do best, repeat it everywhere and see how ordinary people call you ‘miracle-maker‘.
Thank me later.
Editorial/ Yewe Yewe
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