Think about it, everything important a human being may need is naturally available to them, all around them. Take water for example, how many rivers, lakes, oceans, seas are there in the world?
- Atlantic ocean
- Pacific ocean
- Indian ocean
- Antarctic ocean
- Arctic ocean
5 oceans! Not forgetting 7 major seas and 43 sub seas and 76 rivers! By the way, these numbers only represent major water bodies around the world. The number of these water bodies might not sound like much but wait until I pull out a quick fact for you; all water bodies in the world make 70% of the earth’s surface. 70%! Here comes the cool part, 10% of the remaining 30% of the earth’s surface is arable land. I’m talking about 15.7 million km(2) of agricultural land — a natural opportunity to grow crops. Food! Here goes the amazing part, sometimes in some agricultural land, crops grow by themselves! i.e. cassava, maize, beans, fruit trees, etc. I don’t think I got that right. Let me rephrase it. Here goes the amazing part; as long as the land is kept well, plants naturally grow there. i.e. avocado trees, mango trees, beans, cassava, maize, etc.
You have to remember that humans did not invent food, neither did they invent water. Right there it was, ready for them, and free. This is philanthropy at universe level. Kindness and generosity of the highest order. No good person can match such goodness.
You couldn’t always find a hospital down the street. So what happened when people got sick? They went down the garden or field and there it was! medicine! Free! Animals too, long before veterinaries, when they got sick, all they had to do was be in the field and chew mixed plants because always one for the plants was a medicine for the disease the animal had.
Back to water. You might say that ‘well the oceans have salty water not good for drinking’. Fine but how about rain? who invented it? No body. It just naturally rains for us and for the crops we eat. Free! I won’t talk about the oxygen, you know the air we breathe. How it is naturally toxic-free and ready to be inhaled by us.
What about people? Are they bad? No they are not. Well some do bad things for sure. But naturally a person is wired to be good. That’s why we have a conscience. You know that time when your are about to do something bad and your heart tries to talk you out of it. Imagine that! Always before a person commits a crime, their brain tries to stop them; the heart starts beating fast, the skin turns red, eyes become teary. That’s life begging you ‘please don’t do it‘.
Even politics, you know politics, right? You also probably call it a dirty game. But guess what? Every nation on this earth tries to do good. They may fail but their first natural instinct is to do good. That’s why every country in this world has welfare programs. They want to do the right thing by default. Many governments all over the world came to power through liberation struggles driven by a singular natural desire to do good and be kind.
What about crime? You’re right, there are 10 million people in jail around the world. But out of how many human beings. 7 billion! 7 Billion! The majority of people are walking free because they are good enough! You’ve to agree with me Good dominates in this world. Yes there exist some bad events and some bad people too, nonetheless it’s not enough to conclude that life is bad or people are bad or governments are bad or the police is bad, etc. Look at the majority, there’s more goodness in this world within people and around them.
Don’t get me wrong though, I’m not preaching some sort of gospel here. no. I’m not asking you to pretend, no. I’m not encouraging you to be naïve, no. Neither I’m I urging you to turn the other cheek. I’m just saying, open your eyes and see how beautiful, kind and generous life is no matter the little bad incidences that happen occasionally.
Before you can entirely begin to enjoy life, you need to see how beautiful, kind and generous it is. After opening your eyes, you’ll see something common about life;
Everything happens because it needs to. And because it has been caused to. Note it down, it is the secret of success. Rain falls because water is needed and because the black(nimbus) clouds have formed due to the geographical processes that take place. i.e. land breeze, sea breeze. Cause and need. Crops grow (germination) because people, animals alike need food and because somehow seeds get sown (pollination). i.e. flying birds or surprisingly, wind!
I give you my word, if you can live by the above nature principle, you’ll live a happy and successful life. To make it easier for you for memory and practice, let me hue out of that principle-stone a code of conduct you should live by:
Thank me later.
Editorial/ Yewe Yewe
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