Being broke.
The worst episode in a person’s daily life is when their pockets are empty, bank account zero, piggy bank smashed-nothing. You feel sick and weak, demoralized and disgusted, angry and hungry all at the same time. And when you’re broke for more than 2 days you stop showering, more than 4 days you stop combing your hair. If after a week you are still broke, you start putting your phone in silence, after a month you start eating one meal a day, after a month and half you start losing weight and after 2 months you start falling sick; a tooth ache, head ache, stomach ache, joint ache, etc. Then something happens to your face:
From the above depiction and description of being broke, we can deduce from it a simple philosophy, ‘you don’t want to be broke, not on a Monday, not on a Tuesday, not on a Wednesday, not on a Thursday and definitely not on a Friday, a Saturday or a Sunday’.
Now, what tells you that you are broke, is that time when you begin going through all your clothes’ pockets after checking your mobile money account, bank account and only found a couple of well aligned zeros. They are usually three; 0.00. But what really tells you that you are broke is when you’ve checked the same pockets more than 5 times and still feel the need to check one more time.
Funny enough, at this point even though you’ve given up finding cash, you still have hope — somehow at the back of your mind it feels like there must be some fallen coins under the bed, under the mattress, some where in the corridor, or somewhere in a corner of the house. Immediately you get to work, snooping around the house for fallen coins with diligence and patience like that of soldiers finding hidden bombs in the ground. I mean you pay attention to detail, sometimes checking the same spot 4, 5 times.
The hilarious part is when a location pops up in your mind, ‘the kitchen!’. It makes you feel like Jack Ma back in 1990s when the idea of Alibaba first popped up in his mind. Immediately you run to the kitchen and begin snooping around; looking under saucepans, over cup boards, inside jags every where for a misplaced coin. For the whole first week of being broke, location ideas of where coins could have fell in the house keep popping up. It’s a slow and painful process.
So, my friend, when I talk about being broke, believe me, its a serious matter.
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Editorial/ Yewe Yewe