Read C #1
The Ocean and the land, co-exist; the adult and the child co-exist; the buyer and the seller, co-exist; the leader and the follower, co-exist; the teacher and the student, co-exist, men and women, co-exist; soldiers and civilians, co-exist; various animal and plant species co-exist. Therefore, human beings with their diverse human personalities, belief systems, cultures, occupations, interests, goals, desires, opinions, mindset, challenges and talents can do no less but co-exist.
You must have heard about selfish people or have lived with them or perhaps, you are selfish yourself. I got good news for you! It's okay! It's fine to be selfish as long as you excel at it. How can one excel at being selfish? I'll tell you, by realizing that your success is tied to the success of others. That your progress is tied to the progress of others. That your victory is tied to the victory of others. That your survival is tied to the survival of others.
The emotion and behavior of selfishness is a deep natural desire to make yourself win no matter what, against all odds. There should be nothing wrong with it except most people misunderstand this natural emotion and hence are compelled to feel and think negative, behave and act violent even at the expense of their fellow human being and funny enough even at the expense of their own sustainable joy and existence.
This is the 'selfish' we know. The bad 'selfish'. No wonder the sun set on that horizon along time ago; when in 1941-1945 Hitler and his Nazis colleagues brutally thought and acted upon it--that Germans had a better chance at life without Jews.. when slave traders thought and acted upon it--that they had a better chance at fast development without the freedom of their fellow humans.. when men thought and acted upon it--that they had a better chance for dominion in this world without the emancipation of women.. when industrialists thought and acted upon it--that their corporations had a better chance at abnormal profits without sustainable care for environment.. when the employer thinks and acts upon it--that their companies have a better chance at making lots of money without fair compensation for their employees.. when a husband or a boyfriend runs away thinking and acting upon it--that they've a better chance at no responsibilities without their pregnant wife or girlfriend.. when crooked politicians think and act upon it--that they've a better chance at absolute power without the will of citizens.. when hosting citizens think and act upon it--that they've a better chance at winning all offers, jobs and opportunities within their nation without the extra hand or head of migrants. This is the worst type of 'selfishness'. It does no good yet so destructive.
Allow me to introduce you to a new kind of 'selfish'. The good 'selfish'. The sun rises on this horizon every day; when you love your health so much only to wake up first thing in the morning and check on everybody around your house and the neighborhood--asking them how they're doing.. when companies and corporations want to make money so much so that they inject huge sums of cash into CSR programs--giving back to the community.. when employers are so much ambitious that they provide better working environment, conditions and payment to their employees--expecting only their productivity in return.. when politicians are so power-hungry that they invest as much as is available in national building, national development and citizen wellbeing--stopping at nothing to achieve it.. when the world nods in agreement that 'NEVER AGAIN' to genocide, human suffering, pain and despair--even though some people might not live up to it.. when nations, corporations and ordinary people worry about their future so much that they decide to plant 2 trees where they cut 1--opting for renewable energy giving a break to non-renewable energy sources.
The point is, the highest level of selfishness is that which makes a person realize that their health depends on the health of others.. that their next step depends on the next step of another.. that their child's good growth depends on the reciprocity of all people in the community.. that the profitability of their companies, shops and endeavors depends on the good life of the people who become clients, shareholders and stakeholders.. that their excitement and entertainment will come from someone else could be a random street performer.. that their tomorrow depends on them and the people around them going through today at peace, enthusiasm and hope.. that their wife will be somebody else's random daughter or their husband will be somebody else's random son.. that their tenant or landlord will be a random stranger from a random place.. that their teacher or student will be a random person--hence making it a priority to be happy for the progress and wellbeing of others because we care for our own.
You got to co-exist for your own good -- stand at that peak of selfishness and wish others well because it comes back around to you.
..Coming next.
Editorial/ Yewe Yewe
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