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Resident Director, Indonesian Flagship Language Initiative Program 2024 – Malang, Indonesia

The Indonesian Flagship Language Initiative program (IFLI), located in Malang, Indonesia, assists learners of Indonesian in the acquisition of the targeted language and culture. The IFLI program consists of intensive, structured language instruction; and peer tutors/conversation partners with native speakers of the target language. 

The IFLI Program Resident Director serves as American Councils’ representative in Malang in the areas of participants’ health, safety, academic performance, and program logistics. He/she must be available to program participants on a daily basis; meet regularly with teachers, administrators, and students; arrange group travel and cultural programs; and observe IFLI language classes. The Resident Director must be available to participants during any emergencies that arise and must communicate regularly with host institution representatives in Indonesia and American Councils staff in Washington, DC. Prior to the beginning of the program, all Resident Directors are required to complete an orientation program for staff. The Resident Director will travel to the program site in advance of the students’ arrival. The Resident Director reports to the DC-based Senior Program Manager.

ANTICIPATED EMPLOYMENT DATES: July 1, 2024 – November 30, 2024 (tentative)

Application deadline: March 31, 2024


•    Serve as the local liaison between American Councils and the host institute administration as directed to ensure that the academic program proceeds as agreed;
•    Monitor participants’ academic performance, health, safety, and promptly communicate significant issues to American Councils’ and host institution staff;
•    Coordinate health care for participants and intervene on behalf of participants as necessary;
•    Enforce policies regarding terms and conditions of program participation;
•    Coordinate host country program logistics, including cultural excursions and related travel, and communicate logistical details to DC-based staff;
•    Submit weekly written updates to American Councils Washington, D.C.;
•    Coordinate with the host institution to coordinate peer tutors/conversation partners;
•    Submit a final report, program grades, and test scores within two weeks of program conclusion;
•    Manage program finances and submit monthly expense reports accounting for all program expenditures;
•    Other responsibilities as assigned. 


•    Demonstrated Advanced level or higher oral proficiency in Indonesian;
•    Bachelor’s degree or higher in relevant language or area studies or equivalent;
•    Study, work, or extensive travel experience in Indonesia;
•    Experience overseeing and guiding groups;
•    Demonstrated skills in academic and personal counseling;
•    Demonstrated skills in general financial accountability.


American Councils is committed to taking affirmative steps to enhance employment opportunities for minorities, women, veterans, and people with disabilities, and strives to ensure that meaningful employment and promotional opportunities are maintained for everyone. American Councils’ commitment to equal employment opportunity is based not only on federal requirements, but also on a longstanding commitment to maintaining a diverse workforce reflective of the communities in which we operate.